Unlock the Tree Secret Every Property Owner Should Know

Lumberjacks Tree Service

It’s a common misconception that trees on your property can thrive on their own. But
here’s the reality: Your soil isn’t naturally nutrient-rich, creating a challenging
environment for urban trees. Soil compaction and the absence of a natural forest
ecosystem are major contributors to tree decline in cities.


Trees thrive in loose soil, where water and oxygen freely flow, creating an ideal setting
for their feeder roots. In natural forests, a rich network of fungi, fueled by decaying wood
and leaves, enhances the roots’ nutrient absorption. Unfortunately, our urban lawns lack
this crucial fungal network due to constant grooming (such as mowing and raking),
leaving our trees to suffer.


Enter the solution: Deep Root Fertilization.



Top 5 Benefits of Deep Root Fertilization


1. Cost-Effective Preservation: Save money compared to tree removal, preserving your
property’s beauty and value.
2. Natural Defense: Strengthen trees to resist diseases, pests, and storm damage,
ensuring a longer, safer life.
3. Improved Soil Structure: Loose, aerated soil promotes water, oxygen, and nutrient
flow for healthier roots.
4. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Beneficial fungi establish vital connections with tree
roots, boosting nutrient absorption.
5. Environmental Restoration: Contribute to creating a natural environment even in
urban landscapes.


At Lumberjacks Tree Service, our deep root fertilization process is a game-changer. Our
experts reintroduce essential fungi into the soil using high-pressure techniques,
revitalizing the ground beneath your trees. Don’t let your trees suffer – contact us for a
free property assessment by our tree experts and ensure a thriving ecosystem for your


(423) 760-TREE

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5 Reasons to Stop Topping Your Trees

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5 Reasons to Stop Topping Your Trees

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  (423) 760-TREE (8733)

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